Dear Mimi,
You are now in Phuket.
It took us approximately 10 hours of travel to get here. Weeks preceding our departure your parents fretted at how in the world can we get you to sit still during the flights so we thought of ways to occupy your time. We caved in and bought you your own DVD player, but it holds your attention for 5 minutes and then you want to eat it. You enjoy rubbing your gums on your toys and your books so we packed those too. Like your father, you enjoy your food, so we bought Rusks like it was going out of style. It's with a great deal of trepidation (and a whole lot of hand luggage) that we boarded the BI flight on Saturday to Bangkok, and then on a TG flight two hours later to Phuket. Amazingly you were well behaved throughout and the only time you cried longer than a few minutes was when your ears probably hurt on the way down to Bangkok and when we were about to board the flight to Phuket during your bedtime. You are such a little trooper.
Your routines haven't changed despite being in a different country. As usual around 6.30am you and your father go for your daily morning walk. Except this time your Mama stepped up to the plate and went for the walk with the both of you. Plus the scenery changed quite a bit. There were no cars full of school kids to wave to in the mornings and no old aunties exercising their rheumatic joints to say hello to. Instead we saw new foliage, stumbled into uoccupied villas and then went to the beach! Not to mention your Mama is awake and up and about! You absolutely loved the change in perspective.
A change in scenery at a godforsaken time in the morning.
We washed sand off our feet and so did you.
You also had your weekend swimming sessions but this time at the Villa and in a rather fetching swimsuit from Mothercare.
Another thing that hasn't changed? You are still stroppy in hats.
Your Mama xx
Ps/ Your Auntie Nips is going through a bit of a culture shock. She is rebelling against not having to make the bed and do the laundry. Although I must say she's learning fast because just this afternoon she ordered herself some coffee. I'm afraid we've created a monster...
tiapa tu yg tiut tetali tu.. the most busyuk eh
Posted by: AngLai | Friday, 21 March 2008 at 02:36 PM
Oh Dear Lord that is just TOOOO CUTE!!
Posted by: Dee | Wednesday, 19 March 2008 at 11:16 PM
look at those eyes :)
Posted by: danura | Tuesday, 18 March 2008 at 05:01 PM
Oh my God! Too cute! I'm speechless!
Posted by: Inny | Tuesday, 18 March 2008 at 03:08 PM
PRECIOUS! Lookit her smiling in the water!
Posted by: Maurina Hamid | Tuesday, 18 March 2008 at 06:39 AM
Gaaahhhh! I'm just bursting from all the cuteness that is my tushybon niece. Her bathers are adorable!
Posted by: Aidy | Monday, 17 March 2008 at 09:16 PM