Dear Mimi,
These days you have been spending more time with your first cousins Azimah, Abdul Rahman & Ilham. This is them playing about in a car with your brother Azim.
From left: Ilham, Azimah, Abdul Rahman & Abang Azim
Kaka Imah is the girliest girl we know. At aged 6 she ran the 100 meter dash at sports day dressed impeccably in a pink track suit and bottoms. She ran with a beauty queen smile to the crowd and not aiming like a bullet for the finishing line. She is pretty and she knows it.
Now, if your cousin Imah is a girly girl, then your cousin Abdul Rahman is how boys should be. Its all about the jumping and the kicking and the laughing. Always with the cutest grin. Loooves fast cars. Prone to wearing a particular item of clothing for considerable periods of time. His current favourites include blue jeans. Very cool.
Ilham is 3 years and 1 month. He just started school and spends most of the time in the school office. The secretaries love him. Ilham is a huge fan of Mawi because he watches Akademi Fantasia with your Nana and your Auntie Tini (who is Mary Poppins meet Hetty Koes Endang from the village minus the makeup and the big hair). Ilham makes you squeal with laughter when he does the spiderman move with his hands. Dressed in his spiderman suit.
By the way, your Auntie Nips is Mary Poppins on speed.
You turned 5 months recently. According to Dr Roy, you are just above the curve in weight and height. In other words, you are quite robust. My darling you are not girly, Kaka Imah still holds the crown for that title. It could be all those walks in the mornings with your father, or swimming with us every weekend or just your genes. You are our little brown brown-eyed girl.
Your father and I give you other nicknames too. In the mornings we call you Little Miss Flipabout because you are now able to flip from lying on your back onto your belly. At dawn we hear you make indignant noises about not being able to flip back. Sometimes we find you lying the wrong way up.
Mama have been busy these days. Some evenings I haven't been home early enough to put you to bed. But today I left work at a reasonable time and got to spend a little more time with you. You and I have conversations in baby talk which I really do enjoy.
Your Mama xx
Ps/ I also enjoy dressing you up in bonnets.
Ahhhhhhhh!!!! So cute!!! GNAW GNAW
Posted by: Maurina Hamid | Wednesday, 13 February 2008 at 02:49 PM