I recently watched the movie I Am Legend with Will Smith as the best last man on earth who only has the company of his dog, a few choiced mannequins and a whole lot of very scary mad monsters. In a nutshell, Will Smith plays clever scientist Robert Neville who is immune to a virus that has turned every woman, man and dog into vampire-like creatures. Three years after the virus outbreak he appears to be the only survivor. Robert also happens to have MacGyver AND Chuck Norris-like qualities. Mac/Chuck/Rob tries to find a cure for the virus by hunting down monsters and taking them back to his house in order to do scientifically complex tests on them. He also makes times to hunt deer on the streets of NYC, and watch a lot of DVDs. He is unbelievably lonely and goes barmy.
[Incidentally, the movie I Am Legend is based on a Richard Matheson book of the same name. Since the publication of the book in 1954 it has been adapted into film three times. The first movie (also called I Am Legend) starring Vincent Price is the only one that follows the book closely. The Will Smith version, whilst having similar themes like loneliness and creatures that hates the sunlight, doesn't quite. Although I enjoyed the Will Smith version, I found the book had the better story. But I am much too lazy to spell it all out here so go get a copy or wikipedia it.]
Anyway, ever since watching the movie I have been obsessively fantasizing about how I can turn my house into an impenetrable fortress, getting buff and being super clever.
Lest the same thing happens to me.
But of course, my fantasy is simply the product of my extravagant, unrestrained and not to mention fanciful, imagination (read, konon in my lingo). Because if a virus actually hits the earth and turns everyone into monsters and lil’ ol me just happens to be the only immune one, I would not be able to find a cure for the virus since I hate needles, blood, monsters and getting close enough to one to do “tests”, nor am I a scientist, so forget about being the ONLY hope for mankind.
Actually I think I would probably offer myself up to the monsters. You know, why be all lonesome?
YouTube is back, so here's the trailer.