I am not so much a rugby fan. I'm not sure I understand why people love watching grown men ram each other on a field for an odd shaped ball, but whenever a game of rugby comes on the TV, I cannot help but watch. It's kinda like when you can't tear your eyes off those bad accidents on Maximum Exposure. I suppose men watch the sport because there's a primal vibe about it and its a bit Macho-Macho-Man.
Anyhoot, I caught some of the France vs New Zealand match a couple of days ago and for the first time saw Sebastien Chabal who plays the Lock battering ram position for France in this World Cup. Long haired, bearded, scary as heck, the first thing I said about him might upset another religion, but apparently thousands of French women have become fans of rugby because of how manly Chabal looks. But he didn't always look like a Neanderthal called Grog as you can see below (pictures from timesonline):
Not all men look better clean shaven.
Not all men look good with a beard.
And just like Viggo Mortenson as Aragorn in the movie trilogy Lord Of The Rings, a man who looks infinitely better with long unkempt hair plus facial hair, Chabal is totally phwooarrghlicious with his.
So ladies and guys, enjoy the Sebastien aka Sea Bass aka The Caveman aka Grog, the "antithesis to metrosexuality".
Me Grog. You? Die.