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« Bobby Doth Love The Cat Muchly | Main | One Of The Many Many Reasons Why »

Wednesday, 18 July 2007



Ehh baik ia nda lamas tu... ijap ku ehh

pahlawan aku

HI emma, i enjoyed ur blog very much. I'm writing to you if you are interested to include a book review
for Rachael Malai Ali on her new book The Cow jumped over the moon..which is now doing very well on online bookstores and is a bestseller .u can contact her management for materials and whateva you need k..thanks..keep on posting


*PuRrRrrr* Cool cat juz like me! *mEoWwWw*


lol. reminds me of that time when Hari was still a lil kitty. She enjoyed being in the pocket of my bajukurong. um.. dont ask why my baju kurong has pockets big enough to hold a kitten. err..dont ask why my baju kurong has pockets fullstop. hahahaha.

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