The GoodEggs braved the blistering heat at noon last Sunday to partake in the merriment at the Special Olympics Carnival. The Carnival was held at Tasek Lama (translated into English as 'Old Lake'), a rather swell park right smack in the center of town that folks frequent every day to indulge in some exercise. I have not been to Tasek Lama for a few years since I don't exercise as much as I should (if I do, I tend to exercise my eyeballs) and was pleasantly surprised at how well the park is looking, with its walkways and wooden resting areas, and not to mention that gushing waterfall!
There was a walkathon at 7am that ended at Tasek Lama and the Carnival began. We missed the Walkathon, but RA made it and you can read his report here. Anak Brunei's report of the Carnival is here, and Maurina's blog report here.
I have some pictures.
There were tents that housed various games for the public to play.
Activities such as rock-climbing, toe-dipping and fox-flying at the 'Tasek' (lake) and waterfall area.
Bobby and Zimmie bought some coupons and took part in the "Shoot The Football In The Mouth", but didn't manage to win prizes but instead rolled the football into the river.
From left to right, girlie bloggers Atul, Anneesa, Maurina and Pynk spent the day doing good for the community.
If you are ready to Compete, Coach, Volunteer, or Donate, please contact:
Pengiran Datin Noraini, Program Board Chair
Adanan Bin Musim, Program National Director
Rose Lim, National Secretary
Special Olympics Brunei Darusalaam
Pusat Ehsan Al-Ameerah Al-Hajjah Maryam
Simpang 66-38-60, Kampong Bengkurong
BF 1920, Negara Brunei Darussalam
+673 265 5245
+673 265 6380 / 223 1846 (fax)
[email protected]