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Saturday, 17 March 2007



I think it's wonderful how "eco-consciousness" is rearing its lush green head again. It seems that global awareness of our environment is really starting to pick-up again, especially by global brands. Of course one can be totally cynical, say it's all "ra ra" and just a marketing strategy to get people to buy their products which help them feel good about themselves for being socially conscious without having to do anything really but continue consuming.Whooh long sentence! However I do believe every bit counts which is why I liked this entry of yours Emma and Bun :) The other reason for this comment relates to our love of shoes. I just read an article on how we can measure our carbon footprint the next time we ooh and aah over those to-die-for shoes/bags etc. Although it's all for a good cause, I now feel a bit dizzy from the thought of more information overload...sigh! See 'How Green is my Purchase?' at

Ciao bella! x

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