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Monday, 05 February 2007



Mamalobs, lest you forget, I am the Serial Mamalobengs Stalker.

~Everywhere you goooo, you always take the weather with you.. everywhere you go, you always take the weather (Vixennova)~~


Hahahahaa.. Miss sidekick ZT is here tooo.. shall I just kick you to the side now? are you stalking me woman?? lol!


I admit to being an emma-addict myself. I'm going to Singapore to bring her back. On the other hand, there's shopping..

bah shopping first, then cari Emma..


I've missed you Emmaaaaa!! I need more of those goodeggssss pleaseee!!! :)

Nings - I've missed you and Kaka T! That was a good laugh, should do that again!! hehehehe...


I miss u!! Puffer fish?? Excuse me, that's not a risk I WOULD take. Paham paham sajalah. Yeah Ning, chilli mussels at Cicerello's. I have the recipe from Uncle Rahim, but no mussels. sob. Take good care of yourself


Yayyyyyyy....Emma's back. Missed you. So you're gonna miss Thursday Lunch again!!

Puffer fish? wow...very daring..
I want to stay at The Fullerton!!!!!
Those Mussels & Fries look yummy. Reminds me of the Chilli Mussels at Cicerello's in Perth. Yumm..
Royal Plaza on Scotts looks good. Heard they have a lot of good restaurants now. 4 Storeys full! Check it out if you have time.

Do take care...

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