The husband read me an article from the Times Life & Style - Men's Style section as he was reading the paper online this evening. The article was showcasing Thomas Fink's The Man's Book (the title, I'm sure you would agree, needs no explanation).
I was tested on the above and got the answers all correct for it was not rocket science. "Good girl!", said the husband nevertheless. And what I gained from this little tete a tete is that apparently, there are rules for when the boys use a public loo. An unwritten code of sorts on how a man should behave when taking a leak in a urinal.
The first time I heard about this over dinner with the husband and some friends one evening, I was intrigued. It's women who have RULES, and we certainly do not have any for going to the loo (or do we?). The women around the table were quite disconcerted by the relevation whilst the men were dead serious. The universal rule we heard that evening was 'whenever possible do not choose the urinal next to the one that is already occupied'. It was a riveting discussion.
The article attested, and I was glad to learn, that men do obsess about their clothes and sizes and believe in etiquette and good manners.
But unfortunately, the writer commits a faux pas when he says that the 8th reason for why men prefer older women is that "They are so grateful".
Dear me. So classy Mr Fink.